Partnership Opportunities

The  F1 Powerboat 5-6 race championship series contested across North America between April – October showcases the sleek, glamorous, and extremely agile F1 Powerboat. Come Aboard as we welcome in the new year with renewed enthusiasm, determined to achieve our goal of creating the best F1 racing series to date. We have been diligently researching and rethinking all aspects of our powerboat racing program raising the bar to greater heights of exposure for our partners, sponsors, drivers, and teams.

The upcoming season will see new drivers and new teams joining the  F1 veterans, creating a colorful field of F1 boats capable of winning the coveted championship. We continue our quest for series sponsorship and marketing partners for 2023 and beyond.

Our flexible marketing approach presented on the global stage to meet any budget. Please enjoy our highlight video below for additional insight to the sport of F1 powerboats and our series.

Want more information on how you can become involved just click on our downloadable sponsorship proposal below or contact  Tim Seebold:



We can develop a Custom Marketing Sponsorship Plan to fit your company’s needs and budget. Download the 2023 Sponsor Partner Proposal by clicking the cover link below for complete information on the 2023 season opportunities and then contact timseebold@hotmail.com to set up a consultation.

